I Choose To Be Happy | Lizzie is not letting the labels of others define her or her rare disease stop her. She gets to choose her attitude and actions and so do we.
Gabi, who lost a leg to cancer has defied the odds to become a competitive dancer.
Women who shattered barriers in 2016.
"We're all just people... Doesn't matter how different we are, we can still love everybody".
Born without legs, Jennifer was placed for adoption by her parents. But she doesn't let anything stop her from living her dreams.
We don't always know what's really happening. Let's not judge.
The Simple Message That Brought This Middle School Class to Tears.
This musician helps NYC’s homeless get enough money to eat just by playing next to them
There’s no such thing as can’t. Introducing our 'We're the Superhumans' trailer.
After being bullied, Josh decided to make a change that ultimately had a dramatic impact on his life and on the lives of his fellow students. And it all started with a small act of kindness - it really can change the world.
Inspiring Dance - Remember, "You are beautiful. You are valued. You are loved."
The power of encouragement! Who can you uplift today?