going after your dreams
Kate Winslet delivers this inspiring speech to young women around the world. Don't let what they say stop you.
Viola Davis Gives Powerful Speech About Diversity and Opportunity | Emmys 2015
Making things a priority - finding out how can you make it meaningful to you, purposeful, important. Then procrastination has little space
Don't give up - a true champion lies within you, keep overcoming those obstacles
Failure is NOT trying something. We can learn and grow from our mistakes or "oops" moments and look for the golden nuggets in each one
The word failure in and of itself is flawed, because as soon as you learn something, you have no longer failed.
Inkling Women - Sophie shares how to get what you really, really want. It doesn't just come to us.
"It's important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages."
Hidden cameras capture real reactions to girls imagining everything they might one day become. Be who you want.
Social experiment asking people to tell us what they can't do. But then, we turned the question around to their loved ones - whose answers told a different story.